What Makes Network Penetration Testing Important for Organisations?

Digital transformation has accelerated the growth of online platforms, showing us just how important security in the digital age is. Every business needs to take cybersecurity into consideration if they want to stay protected from cyberattacks. Unless you have taken the right steps to combat the security threats, you will be far from building a strong online presence and win the trust of your stakeholders. Now, this is where network security testing comes into play and becomes important in improving your security posture. Network devices host the critical data of your organisation and thus deserve to be protected against cyber threats. Further, you should contact the security experts who can identify and fix such vulnerabilities and secure your organisation’s network. If you are still not convinced, here are 4 more reasons that prove how important network penetration testing is for your company. 

Regulations and Compliance – With data privacy policy to protect the privacy and confidentiality of personal information of customers, employees, and other stakeholders becoming a critical requirement for enterprises, several high-level authorities formulate and implement data privacy laws to protect the people's interests in general. The European Union’s GDPR and Singapore’s PDPA are the most prominent examples in this regard. Thus, when you invest your time and resources in network security, you comply with the concerned rules and regulations and prove your organisation’s commitment to protecting customers’ privacy. 

Network security testing

Risk Assessment – Simply being worried about cybersecurity threats will not help unless you go the extra mile and assess how they might affect your network. How do you do that? Well, you can conduct a risk assessment on your own, or you may call an expert team to perform the network security assessment. Count on the professionals is the best bet as they deploy cutting-edge technologies to perform different types of assessments like internal penetration testing, external penetration testing, and wireless penetration testing. Being experts in this domain, they can assess the current security status of your networks and render expert advice accordingly.

Security Practices for Remote Work Culture – As the remote work model gains prominence today, companies should take extra care of protecting their IT infrastructure from potential cyberattacks. Since you have to provide and allow a greater number of people to access the trusted route into larger company networks, this dissemination can expose the remote network administration to security threats.

Once again, if you conduct network penetration testing, you can gauge how well protected your network is against cyber threats and attack vectors. 

Competition and Reputation – Data breaches occur when an outside entity can infiltrate your digital channels and access your sensitive data. The loss of sensitive data - be it of customers, employees, clients, or business, can be damaging to your organization. Data breaches happen when your IT infrastructure is not secure enough and has vulnerabilities that are exploited by cybercriminals. Not caring enough about network security assessment can trigger an avalanche of trouble. Because data breaches compromise the security of your customers, you remain answerable to them and may have to pay compensations. Apart from the monetary losses, it is the reputational damage that is irrevocable. Once a company loses customers’ trust, it gets difficult to regain trust and rebuild relationships. Moreover, by taking advantage of your fiasco, the competitors would also march ahead with more customers in their folds.

Final Thoughts

In today’s era, organizations rely heavily on computer networks to communicate effectively and efficiently. Performing network security testing or penetration testing can protect your business from different types of attack vectors. So, don’t you think engaging professional help to remove exploitable vulnerabilities from your network is the best to go about it? With professionals by your side, you can improve your security profile, live up to stakeholders’ expectations, and maintain your positive reputation in the corporate world. At Offensive Shield, our experts perform network penetration testing to protect your IT assets from cyber threats.  For more reach us @ +1 616 330 5949 / +44 20 3918 8614.
